For now take a look at the kitchen as it sits waiting to be finished after I return from holidays.

The upper cabinets are simply shells at the moment but all of the components are bought and ready to go. I'm a little nervous as to building the doors. While I was there this past week, The Little Dollhouse Company in Toronto suggested that I use paper clips as pins rather then trying to find nails. I just need to find the right drill bit...

I've also started the farmers sink. It's made of wood but it will have a high gloss finish. The inside is shaped with a glue to give a more realistic look too. I'll have a separate post on that project once its completed with a few more coats of paint.

Obviously there is still much more to be done but its nice to have so much in place. I think I'm ready to remove a lot more of the tape holding some of the remaining pieces together. I wanted to make sure everything was the right size before finalizing.
I'm excited for my next post filled with mini kitchen accessories food and dishes. Until then,
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